Meeting with dr Michał Parniak – “Processing quantum information with atomic ensembles”

On Wednesday, 2nd of March, we met with dr Michał Parniak who is leading the Quantum Optical Devices Laboratory at the University of Warsaw. Michał presented efforts from his lab at implementing quantum information processors using an ensemble of cold rubidium atoms – applied to generating entanglement, quantum spectroscopy, and…

Neon Museum with Nanorurki

Sometimes it’s good to reminisce, especially in times of social apocalypse. On 04.10.2019, we went together with a friendly chapter “Nanorurki” to the Warsaw Neon Museum. The museum focuses on presenting Polish light ads, but you can also find references to foreign culture. About the fact that everything ended colourfully,…

KNOF Annual Meeting 2020

On 8th January all our members gathered for the KNOF Annual Meeting – a time to reflect on the previous year and choose a new Board for the upcoming year. 2019 Board was stepping down and summarized the previous year, highlighting the most important achievements, like the EPS Leadership Meeting…

Career Paths in Photonics and Securing Research Funding

On 27th November we were hosting meeting with Gabrielle M Thomas, a winner of the very prestigious Marie-Sklodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) Individual Fellowship (IF), 2019 Ambassador of the Optical Society and now an innovation manager at M Squared. She shared her personal journey and experience of selecting a career path as well as some tips and resources useful for our own careers. Some of the most valuable things we’ve learned are ways of being more active in specific field of interest and building our own network.  During workshop our guest guided us through the process of writing grant proposals and securing funding. She provided us with elaborately detailed requirements and pointers to pay attention to while writing for grants and scholarships. What was extremely interesting to understand and discuss was her very own MSCA IF proposal.  Thank you all for great meeting!

Meeting with Michael Freeman

On November 13th and 14th, Michael Freeman from Washington University, Fulbright Scholar in Spain, taught us how to visualize our data, ideas and workThe meeting and workshop called “Visualization Concepts: using data to explain complex topics” showed us, when seemingly simple ideas are difficult and tricky to present; and the…

Visualization: from data to (un)informative image

It’s hard to imagine a career, which completely doesn’t need making some data understandable. In the world where information is everywhere, it is necessary to represent it properly, if we want to be heard and understood. That’s why the talk about data visualization given by Bartosz Borucki from the ICM UW, was indeed useful and interesting. We’ve learned a lot about some principles and tips helping with representing data better. Especially the talk was focused on frequent mistakes which can not only complicate the understanding of certain information but even distort it. 

Science with WOW! – meeting with Tomasz Rożek

The star of our first meeting in 2019/2020 was doctor Tomasz Rożek – one of the most popular science communicators in Poland. Aside from his PhD in Physics, he also has degree in Journalism, both at University of Silesia in Katowice. He wrote several popular science books and articles. He also creates TV show Sonda2 and webpage At the meeting he answered the questions about science popularization. Science, as beautiful as it is, still needs strong PR sector to inspire interests in people.

Life’s a pitch – after meeting

Spotkań rozwijających umiejętności miękkie ciąg dalszy – tym razem dr hab. Piotr Wasylczyk uczył nas, dlaczego w prezentacjach naukowych warto chociaż odrobinę się wyróżniać, jak nie marnować czasu publiki, oraz czym jest slajdocentryzm i czemu tak groźne jest jego wyznawanie.

Dziękujemy dr Wasylczykowi za cenne porady, a uczestnikom za liczne ćwiczenie własnych prezentacji po spotkaniu, w pobliskim pubie 🙂